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Government Of Assam Environment & Forest

Contact details

Whom to Contact for: 
Purpose of contact: 
Name of the officer: 
Smti. Mouchumi Barua, ACS
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Secretary to the Govt. of Assam
Address Of The Office: 

Environment and Forest Department, Janata Bhawan, Dispur

Purpose of contact: 
Name of the officer: 
Smti. Davinder Suman, IFS
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Address Of The Office: 

Environment and Forest Department, Janata Bhawan, Dispur

Purpose of contact: 
Name of the officer: 
Shri Sachindra Das
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Assam
Address Of The Office: 

Environment and Forest Department, Janata Bhawan, Dispur

Purpose of contact: 
Name of the officer: 
Shri Bidit Das,ACS
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Assam.
Address Of The Office: 

Environment and Forest Department, Janata Bhawan, Dispur

Purpose of contact: 
Name of the officer: 
Sri. Pranab Sarma
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Senior Financial Advisor.
Address Of The Office: 

Environment and Forest Department. Janata Bhawan.

Purpose of contact: 
Name of the officer: 
Smti. Sudeshna Chakraborty
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Under Secretary to the Govt. of Assam
Address Of The Office: 

Environment and Forest Department, Janata Bhawan, Dispur